Site Options
The global site options control many sitewide features of your Accelerator project. All of the below are accessed via the Options menu in the dashboard sidebar.
The Site Header Tab
- Logos: This will allow you to upload both the desktop and mobile version of the logo that will appear in the main navigation.
- The Featured Utility Link will add an optional button to the top right corner of the header.
The Site Footer Tab
- Logo: This will allow you to upload the logo that will appear in the footer.
- Footer Branch Name: More or less a “title” for the address.
- Footer Address: Adress/phone/etc
- Copyright: You can also assign the copyright name which will appear in the bottom right corner. As noted in the description, the copyright symbol will automatically be prepended.
The Person Tab
The Person tab is for selecting where and how the people collection page is used to possibly display staff or senior members of the organization. This corresponds to the option currently labeled as “Person” in the main WP menu.
- Archive Page: Choose the page that displays all people in the site. This is used to set the “back link” on people detail pages.
- Person Default Image: Default image used in feeds, if no image present.
The News Tab
The News Tab, you have a number of options that will change how the news page, which uses default posts, is displayed.
- Display Filter Bar on News Page: Shows or hides the category filter for articles on the main news page.
- Show author on articles: The show author boolean defines if author names should display on individual articles or not.
- Show Article Image in News Feed: Shows/hides images in the main news feed/page.
- News Category Headline: Allows you to set text above the categories on individual news articles.
- News Category Headline: is the subtitle that displays at the bottom of a post to display links to the post’s categories.
- Custom Label: This is how your site will refer to all posts on the back button on an individual post.
- News Default Image: is the image that will display as the featured image if one is not selected for a post.
The Events Tab
Admins can choose to show the sidenav on events pages or not.
The Buttons Tab
Admins can choose the site to have either rounded, or squared buttons.