📄️ Acquia RA Ticketing
In general, some clients on acquia require assistance with acquia's automated ticketing process. The RA ticketing on acquia only targets security updates, and will only be run automatically for contrib modules/core at current major version of that installed. If you need to update "non security policy" versions, or if you need to go up major versions, manual update is required.
📄️ Support Ticketing
Platform specific steps
📄️ Tasking the Creative Team
Generally, we consider taskings to be smaller tasks that are a part of a full project or rounds of client revisions, so they do not require a full blown project brief. However, there still needs to be a tasking completed to onboard the individual team member doing the job, to successfully complete what is required. This becomes extremely important when shuffling resources into projects they are not familiar with. This is needed for every creative team member being brought on board, or if switching team members mid task. Some information may be omitted if the Team Member is extremely familiar with the project, but as a general rule, if in doubt, write it out.
📄️ Ticketing QC
📄️ Trello Ticketing