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Drupal Field Snippets

Helpful snippets for displaying different fields.


Format date in preproccess

$variables['created'] = \Drupal::service('date.formatter')->format($variables['node']->getCreatedTime(), 'MY_DATE_FORMAT');


Use the built in Unicode truncate function.

use Drupal\Component\Utility\Unicode;

// Truncates a UTF-8-encoded string safely to a number of characters.
$truncate = Unicode::truncate($string, $max_length, $wordsafe, $add_ellipsis, $min_wordsafe_length);

$truncate = Unicode::truncate($MY_STRING, 200, TRUE, TRUE, 5);

Hiding fields/sections/whatever using a boolean field

Sometimes it in necessary to use a boolean to hide/show different parts of a page. This can be accomplished by adding a field check in the proper entity hook (node/paragraph/whatever), and creating a custom variable. In this example we added a boolean that says "Hide something" to a node. In general, we prefer to say "hide something", rather than "show something", that way, all things can be displayed by default, and the feeling is more "this one instance is special and I am taking action to do something unique".

In hook_preprocess_node:

$hide_this_thing_chosen = $variables['elements']['#node']->BOOLEAN_FIELD_ON_NODE_TO_CONTROL_HIDING->value;
$hide_this_thing = FALSE;
if ($hide_this_thing_chosen == TRUE) {
$hide_this_thing = TRUE;
$variables['hide_this_thing'] = $hide_this_thing;

Then in twig template:

{% if not hide_this_thing %}
Conditional code/etc here...
{% endif %}

Classes in twig based on a boolean field

set classes = [
'paragraph--type--' ~ paragraph.bundle|clean_class,
content.FIELD_MY_FIELD|render|trim == 'On' ? 'paragraph--type--' ~ paragraph.bundle|clean_class ~ '__MY_CLASS_MODIFIER',
{% block paragraph %}

<section{{ attributes.addClass(classes) }}>

Term Reference

Comma separated fancy, in node.html.twig

If, for whatever reason you do not wish to override a field template, links can be accessed in the entity template.

  • If 1 value: My first term
  • If 2 values: My first term and My second term
  • If 3+ values: My first term, My second term, My third term and My fourth term
{% if content.MY_TERM_REFERENCE_FIELD %}
{%- for item in content.MY_TERM_REFERENCE_FIELD['#items'] -%}
{%- if loop.first -%}
{{- -}}
{%- elseif loop.last -%}
{{- ' and ' ~ -}}
{%- else -%}
{{- ', ' ~ -}}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{% endif %}
  • If 1 value: My first term
  • If 2 values: My first term,My second term
  • If 3+ values: My first term, My second term, My third term, My fourth term
{% if content.MY_TERM_REFERENCE_FIELD %}
{%- for item in content.MY_TERM_REFERENCE_FIELD['#items'] -%}
{%- if loop.last -%}
{{- -}}
{%- else -%}
{{- ~ ', ' -}}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{% endif %}

With attributes, in node.html.twig

If, for whatever reason you do not wish to override a field template, links can be accessed in the entity template.

  • For "Link with target" form field
{% if content.MY_LINK_FIELD %}
{% for key, item in content.MY_LINK_FIELD if key|first != '#' %}
<a href="{{ item['#url'] }}" class="btn" {% if item['#options'] %} target="{{ item['#options'] }}" {% endif %}>
{{ item['#title'] }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

A note on titles: It may sometimes be necessary to override the stock drupal title behavior if a default is needed to be provided. By default, if empty, it outputs the relative path as text.

{% set title = item.content['#title'] %}
{% if item.content['#url']|render == title %}
{% set title = 'Read More' %}
{% endif %}

Media and Image fields

Examples of media and images fields being rendered within a twig template. Can be optionally passed through an image style filter. Note: the image_style filter is provided by the twig tweak module.

Media field in twig

<img src="{{ file_url(content.field_carousel_item_image[0]['#media'].field_media_image.entity.uri.value | image_style('optimized')) }}" alt="{{ content.field_carousel_item_image[0]['#media'].field_media_image.alt }}">

Media Field preproccess.

If you need an image URL, and a default image URL. Following assumes a node, and that $node is set with the node entity.

use Drupal\media\Entity\Media;
use Drupal\image\Entity\ImageStyle;

// Background image URL, with fallback.
$variables['profile_image'] = 'YOUR_BACKUP_IMAGE_URL';
if ($node->hasField('field_profile_image')) {
$profile_image = $node->get('field_profile_image')->getValue();
if ($profile_image && !empty($profile_image)) {
$entity = Media::load($profile_image[0]['target_id']);
if (isset($entity) && $entity->field_media_image->entity !== NULL && $entity->field_media_image->entity->getFileUri() !== NULL) {
$variables['profile_image'] = ImageStyle::load('DESIRED_IMAGE_STYLE')->buildUrl($entity->field_media_image->entity->getFileUri());

Image field

<img src="{{ file_url(content.field_news_feature_image|field_target_entity.uri.value | image_style('optimized')) }}" alt="{{ content.field_news_feature_image['#items'].alt }}">

Handle a default image reference in a twig template. Preprocess might be cleaner here but does keep all functionality within the twig template.

{% set thumbnail = assets_path ~ '/img/icons/News_Thumbnail_Placeholder.svg' %}
{% set thumbnail_alt = '' %}
{% if content.field_news_image|field_value %}
{% set thumbnail = file_url(content.field_news_image|field_target_entity.uri.value | image_style('optimized')) %}
{% set thumbnail_alt = content.field_news_image['#items'].alt %}
{% elseif content.field_news_feature_image|field_value %}
{% set thumbnail = file_url(content.field_news_feature_image|field_target_entity.uri.value | image_style('optimized')) %}
{% set thumbnail_alt = content.field_news_feature_image['#items'].alt %}
{% endif %}