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Helpful Drupal Commands


Reveal all variables in a twig template


  • Be sure local development settings are set up, so twig will use dump
  • {{ dump(_context|keys) }}
  • {{ dump(variable_key_name) }}


In twig template
  • Be sure devel module is installed and enabled.
  • Be sure kint submodule enabled.
  • {{ kint(_context|keys) }}
  • {{ kint(variable_key_name) }}
In a hook_preprocess
  • Be sure devel module is installed and enabled.
  • dsm(MY_VAR); from within the function.


If running xdebug, you can use a preprocess function to set a breakpoint:

function MY_THEME_preprocess(&$variables, $hook) {
if ($hook == 'node') {


Apply a patch

  • curl -O
  • git apply -v THE_PATCH.patch
  • if the git apply doesn't work, use patch -p1 < THE_PATCH.patch

Create a patch

See more detailed information on Making a Drupal patch with Git.

  • git diff > DRUPAL.ORG_ISSUE_NUMBER-descriptive-text-here.patch


Show available aliases

  • drush sa
  • Update acquia aliases: drush acquia-update


The @sites command is especially useful on acquia multi-sites, as it targets "All Sites" on the install. This command needs to be run directly on the desired server however, as it does not play nice with drush aliases.

  • drush @DESIRED_DRUSH_ALIAS ssh
  • drush @sites cr

Upload a DB

  • drush @DESIRED_DRUSH_ALIAS sql-drop
  • drush @DESIRED_DRUSH_ALIAS < sppnew8t_dev_2019-01-31.sql

Create a user and assign as admin

This is extremely helpful if admin account credentials are lost or unavailable, but server/codebase access is present. To note, special chars are not available when setting passwords for tis, due to a known drush issue.

Drush 8

  • drush @DESIRED_DRUSH_ALIAS user-create USERNAME
  • drush @DESIRED_DRUSH_ALIAS user-password USERNAME --password=PASSWORD
  • drush @DESIRED_DRUSH_ALIAS user-add-role "administrator" --name=USERNAME

Drush 9

  • drush user:create USERNAME --mail="EMAIL" --password="PASSWORD"
  • drush user:role:add "administrator" USERNAME

Partial configuration installs

This is helpful in certain instances to update a single config across all sites in say a multi-site. In acquia/others, needs to be run directly on server, not via drush aliases, as the @sites does not play nice with aliases.

  • drush @DESIRED_DRUSH_ALIAS ssh
  • drush @sites cim --partial --source=modules/contrib/PATH/TO/YOUR/CONFIG_FILE.yml
  • drush @sites updb


Helpful composer commands

  • composer clearcache clears local composer caches if you just pushed an update to composer repo and need to pull it.
  • If you want to know all packages that will be updated by the update command, use the --dry-run option first.

Update drupal core