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Node.js is the backbone of our frontend build process. It allows us to run tools like Webpack and Fractal for optimizing static assets and providing a local development environment. Managing Node.js across projects can be tricky though, as time goes on and new versions are released, older projects may become incompatible with the newly-installed version creating frustration and headaches. nvm allows us to avoid these issues by specifying the version of Node.js on a per-project basis.


Installing nvm is very simple and documented in the project's Github repo. Once successfully installed, there are a few basic commands you'll use:

  • nvm install <version>
  • nvm use <version>

nvm install <version> will pull down the specified version and add it to your system's pool of Node.js versions managed by nvm. Running nvm use <version> will switch the current shell window to the specified version. If the version specified isn't already installed, nvm will prompt you with the nvm install <version> command that needs to be run to pull down the correct version.

Project Settings

A version of Node.js can be specified on a per-project basis by using a .nvmrc file. Placing this file in the root directory where npm scripts will be run allows you to run nvm use when inside the project directory and nvm will automatically switch to the version of Node.js specified in the .nvmrc. The contents of this file are simply just the version number you wish to use. Running nvm use in a project that includes a .nvmrc first-thing after initially pulling down the codebase is required before doing anything else like installing Node modules. Switching to the specified version of Node.js before running npm install will ensure that all development dependencies are installed at the version required for the project to run properly.

Common Versions

  • Version 19.0.0 is use for the most up to date version of the Pattern Lab Starter (all Pattern Lab projects)
  • Version 12.20.0 Is used for most older Fractal projects

Helpful Commands

  • npm outdated will show a list of packages that have newer versions that can be installed
  • npm view <package-name> homepage will output a link to the url of the associated package
  • npm audit will list security vulnerabilities in your project's dependencies
  • npm audit fix will update packages in your project's dependencies to fix issues