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Twig Templating

The Pattern Lab Starter uses the twig template language (version 2 - documentation link).

  • For VSCode, the extension Twig Language 2 is recommended for "Snippets, Syntax Highlighting, Hover, and Formatting for Twig"

If Statements

  • The most common pattern in use with twig is an if statement in order to check if an item exists (documentation link)
  • Some example use cases can be seen in the hero at source/_patterns/components/hero/hero.twig:
    • The image is optional in the hero:
    {% if hero.image.desktop_src is not empty %}
    allows us to check if a part of the corresponding data is "not empty" (which can be helpful if a variant is needed so the data can be replicated "empty" as variants pick up the data from their parents)
    • The subnav is also optional in the hero:
    {% if hero.subnav.subnav.items|length > 0 %} {% include
    "@components/subnav/subnav.twig" with hero.subnav %} {% endif %}
    checking if the array has content using the length filter is also useful for variants by adding the "empty" array if the intention is to not output the subnav

For Loop

  • Another common pattern is the for-loop (documentation link). For example, in the Breadcrumbs component source/_patterns/components/breadcrumbs/breadcrumbs.twig:
{% for link in breadcrumbs.links %}
<a href="{{ link.url }}" {% if loop.last %} aria-current="page" {% endif %}
>{{ }}</a
{% endfor %}

This will loop through the data to output the links in the breadcrumbs.links array as link (where link is isued in the template to represent a single item in the loop):

"breadcrumbs": {
"links": [
"url": "",
"name": "Home"
"url": "",
"name": "Another Link"
// rest of JSON data
  • Notice in the breadcrumb example {% if loop.last %} in order to affect the last item in the loop
  • There are many helpful tags and filters in twig that can be useful, see official documentation for more

Outputting "Raw" HTML

To output HTML tags in data, the raw filter can be used. An example can be seen in the Tag List component at source/_patterns/components/tags/tag-list.twig:

<div class="tag-list__section-description">
{{ tag_list.section_description|raw }}
  • The goal here is to allow for html output, in this instance (ideally <p> tags would be used in the data - for example, this allows for multiple <p> tags if multiple paragraphs are needed)
  • Wrap a raw element in a div as opposed to an explicitly text-based tag to allow for proper markup
  • If there is a chance that links or list items will be added to the raw section, the class of text-content should be added to the containing div in order to pick up the styles properly