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Planning Client CMS trainings

While these vary by client, below is a simple start to a basic CMS training for a client. This will obviously need to be added to/modified for more complex sites.

This is a general outline. Specifics can be tailored to, to better serve the audince in say an hour long training.

There are three initial questions to ask, if we are to further tailor training:

  • Who, are we training.
  • What is their current skillset, in the chosen CMS.
  • What are their day to day roles in the site, ie, what do they do the most, day to day, in the site.

Simple site training outline example

Client Name Here

Website CMS Training, [TRAINING DATE] Screen Share: MEETING URL

  • CLIENT ATTENDEES (ensure logins created for all attendees)

Getting Started

  • Prod URL: URL HERE
  • Login urls

Overview of site and content types

  • Notes on roles/responsibilities/etc.
  • Menu overview
    • list all used menus here
  • Content type overview
    • Homepage
    • Basic Page
    • All others listed here
  • Notes on any specific intgrations, beyond standard.


  • Look at front end.
  • Look at how backend fields corelate.
  • Note any feeds or hompepage specific complexities.

Basic Page, and all other content types present

  • Look at front end.
  • Look at how backend fields corelate.
  • Note and add/edit all available KS widgets.
  • Note any feeds or specific complexities for each.

Media Notes

  • Naming Conventions for Files. No spaces, lowercase, etc.
  • Images. Run through optimizers like tiny.png whenever possible
  • Alt Text. Important for Accessibility.

Accessibility notes

  • Descriptive Link Text.
  • HTML Heading Tags, and order thereof.
  • Alt text for images.
  • Accessible pdf's.

Admin notes

  • If ongoing maintenance contract, list steps for ticketing system/etc.